Along with vegetables, fruits are some of the healthiest food groups. They contain essential vitamins, minerals and they help keep your cells robust and healthy. People suffering from diabetes can still consume some fruits. But as healthy as they are, they contain natural sugars and can still affect blood sugar levels.
So take them in moderation. One important aspect to look at is their glycemic index, like you would for any other food you consume if you suffer from diabetes. So preferably pick the ones with a lower GI, below is a list of 8 great fruit choices for people who must monitor their blood glucose level closely.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advises diabetic patients to consume at least five portions of vegetables and fruits every day. And according to The American Diabetes Associations, fruit is the best dessert alternative you can have.
Health Benefits
Fruits contain fiber and supply you with minerals and vitamins, particularly vitamin C. This vitamin will boost your immune system and can prevent your cells from various damages from external microorganisms. The fiber content in fruits help lower down your cholesterol levels, promote healthy gut bacteria and improve digestion.
The question now is, what are the fruits a diabetic is allowed to consume? Here is a list of fruits and reasons why they are healthy for diabetics.
Berries in general are considered the healthiest fruits.
These delicious tiny blueish fruits contain the flavonoid anthocyanins. It is known to help lower the risk of diabetes.
Blueberries are also packed with antioxidants which help neutralize free-radicals and prevent oxidative damage to your cells and tissues. Put them on top of your list.
Antioxidants are important if you want to live a healthy life, and they are packed with it. Luckily, the pomegranate is a fruit you can easily find in your local market. It is also rich in antioxidants which help fight chronic illnesses and combat the effects free-radicals.
Many diabetes patients complain about constipation. Guava is a great snack to munch on not just because it is low in the glycemic index, but it is also rich in dietary fiber. It will help you become more regular in the bathroom.
Diabetes patients are prone to ailments caused by irregular blood glucose levels. A diet incorporating papaya can help prevent sugar spikes and normalize blood glucose due to its fiber content. Apart from its natural antioxidants, it is also a great fruit in combating constipation.
Cherries, like blueberries contain anthocyanins that help increase insulin production. This fruit is also seasonal so try to grab as much as you can while they are still available. You can store them inside your fridge and they can last up to three months inside the freezer.
The potassium content in watermelons make them the best fruits to eat to maintain low blood uric acid levels. Eating watermelons also helps improve your kidney function – a common problem caused by diabetes. This refreshing fruit also contain lycopene which is great in preventing nerve damage.
A potent phytochemical found in grapes is called resveratrol. It helps modulate your glucose response by promoting the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Grapes are seasonal so keep their nutritional profile in mind in case you come across this fruit while grocery shopping.
If you are looking for a fruit snack that is low in the glycemic index, strawberries might be the one you are looking for. Strawberries are known to boost your immune system, increase your metabolism and help fight cancer-causing agents.
When it comes to drinking fruit juices, consume them with cautions. Fruit juices are stripped away from the fiber content making them more sugar-concentrated. Aside from this, A study by The Western Australian Institute for Medical Research found that people who drank fruit juice constantly increased their risk of colorectal cancer.
While fruits are recognized as healthy in general, they contain natural sugars and typically have more carbohydrates compared to non-starchy vegetables. Some fruits like oranges and bananas contain more sugar compared to others. If you decide to incorporate fruits into your diet, make sure that you eat them in moderate qunatities.