Contribute to our pages

We accept guest posts from people concerned with diabetes and diabetes experts.

Post Submission Guidelines

  • Length: Your post should be 500 words or more in length.
  • Expertise: We typically only publish posts that are engaging and relevant.
  • Non-Commercial: Your post should be noncommercial in nature and only informative. Never include affiliate links.
  • Interesting:Make sure your post can appeal to our community in the health niche.
  • Writing Quality: We only accept posts that have excellent spelling, grammar and readability.
  • Images: You can include a picture if you own the rights.

The goal is to serve tour community of readers who are concerned with diabetes, how to treat it, and recent development in medical research in this field. So do not promote your own interests, promote the spead of relevant medical information. Linking to a book or ebook that you wrote is acceptable if it only includes verified scientific information.

Fill all the details in the form below including your post. Our editorial team will review your submission to ensure it meets our guidelines and that it is suitable to our readership. We will normally reply in less than 24 hours.

Your post will be initially published on the homepage and Facebook.

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