This site is solely dedicated to providing free information about type-2 diabetes and how to reverse it naturally. Note that this website cannot provide medical advice as you need to consult your physician before making any change to your life style.
What this site does is provide you knowledge not usually shared by the medical profession, but it is up to you to decide how to use that knowledge.
As we realized that this disease was spreading fast and some friends and family members were diagnosed, including John the owner of this site, we noticed there was a lot of misunderstanding about type 2 diabetes, even within the medical profession.
What a physician normally does is give you prescription drugs so that you blood glucose goes down, but is it the only way? Does this take care of the cause of this illness or its symptoms? Are there any side effects? Are there other options?
Doctors will for the most part give you some words of advice regarding nutrition and exercise, but they always focus on the safe route of making you take some medication, this way they are covered if anything goes wrong.
This is what they are taught at medical school, and this is what they are supposed to prescribe. But you will have to take such drugs all your life, costing you both money and the chance to improve your health naturally.
This is what this site is all about. Is there another way? A better way? We researched diabetes extensively to find its cause and natural remedies, so feel free to peruse at the information and feel free to comment below any article.